Hours of Operations

all locations
9 to 4 Mondays - Thursdays
9 to 3 Fridays

Weekend drop-offs may be available at select times and locations. If you would like to schedule a Saturday drop-off, you must call the lab before the end of the business day on Thursday.

Weekend drop-offs are not guaranteed at all locations.

In the News

The EPA intends to strengthen the Lead and Copper Rule.  Find out more here.

Maryland House Bill 270 requires all Maryland schools serviced by a public water system to test all consumable water fixtures for elevated lead.  Click for more information from the Maryland Department of the Environment.

The Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) monitors public water systems for the presence of PFAS.   Click for more information on PFAS and what the MDE found.


Home Land Labs is your go-to lab for Use & Occupancy and Certification of Potability testing requirements.  We offer a convenient base package that covers the testing requirements under the Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR).  Some local jurisdictions have additional requirements.  Please make sure to inform us if there are any additional requirements.  If you are not sure, contact us at (410) 224-4304 and we will help you find what you need.

Packages for Builders

Base Certificate of Potability (COP) or Use & Occupancy (U&O) Requirements

Water can be tested for just about any mineral or impurity. However, the most common sample group is called the Potability Water Sample, also sometimes referred to as “Chemical and Bacteria Testing.” Should there be a problem, water conditioning units are available for any impurity found in the water. Most lenders require a potability water sample.

Includes sampling and tests for:
  • Bacteria
  • Nitrates + Nitrites
  • pH
  • Turbidity
Turnaround Time: 
2 Business Days

Other testing of interest to Builders:

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC)

Learn more about our other environmental testing services